This is a 2-book combo, which has the following titles:
Book 1: Socializing can be a real challenge. You may not think of it as such, but if you take into account all the subtle body language, what different meanings the words imply, and tone of voice, it can be tricky for those who get nervous or don't possess the skills to see all those references.
Through this guide, you will receive support and tips. You will learn more about small talk, being a social chameleon or social actor, coming across as genuine, and the best ways to become an expert at small talk.
Book 2: This book is full of helpful tips on social skills.
Some people may suffer from shyness or feel awkward when socializing. The first chapter of this book will talk about that. Additionally, the best ways to make small talk work in your favor will be discussed, as well as more tips to talk to anyone about basically anything. Last but not least, the final chapter will go over some findings science has done that has them worried about the next generations' declining social skills, mostly due to technology.
I encourage you to take a look at this book and think about the things you read or hear.